



$16  / per hour

Years of experience



As a qualified software engineer with over six years of IT experience, I specialize in back-end development using Java technologies. I have a solid understanding of OOP concepts and design patterns, and I am skilled in code refactoring, code review, and performance optimization. My work on various projects has been guided by Agile methodologies, and I am a team player who is self-motivated and ready to take full responsibility for outcomes. I hold a degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics from Yerevan State University, which has provided me with a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of software engineering. In my professional journey, I have served as a Senior Java Developer at Podcastle AI, Webb Fontaine Armenia, Epam Anywhere, and Praemium Armenia. My responsibilities have included working with microservices, production deployment, production support, developing new applications, reviewing and debugging code, and designing database architecture. I have significant experience with AWS and various database technologies such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis. Additionally, I have attended notable conferences like WCIT and the Joker Java Conference, which have enriched my knowledge and expertise in the field. My interests include mathematics, specifically in the areas of graph theory, group theory, and combinatorial algorithms, as well as staying active through gym workouts and participating in intellectual games.

Tech Stack

Support, Design Patterns, Docker, Google Cloud Storage, Groovy, Hibernate, Java, Kafka, Linux, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Spring Framework


  • In multiple roles, including Senior Java Developer positions at Podcastle AI, Epam Anywhere, and Praemium Armenia, focused on developing microservices, which is a crucial aspect of modern back-end development.
  • Handling production deployment at Podcastle AI and providing production support at Webb Fontaine Armenia and Praemium Armenia demonstrates capability in managing live environments and ensuring smooth operations.
  • Reviewing, testing, and debugging team members’ code at Webb Fontaine Armenia highlights the ability to maintain code quality and ensure robust software solutions.
  • Designing database architecture at Webb Fontaine Armenia showcases expertise in creating efficient and scalable database solutions, essential for back-end development.
  • Mentoring junior developers and trainees at Webb Fontaine Armenia indicates leadership skills and the ability to nurture and develop talent within a team.
  • Integrating Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines at Praemium Armenia reflects experience in automating the software development process for faster and more reliable releases.
  • Identifying and analyzing user requirements at Webb Fontaine Armenia emphasizes the ability to understand and translate business needs into technical solutions, ensuring that the software meets user expectations.

Employment history

Senior Java Developer, Podcastle AI May 2023 - September 2023
  • Working with microservices
  • Production Deployment
Senior Java Developer, Webb Fontaine Armenia December 2021 - May 2023
  • Production Support
  • Developing new Applications
  • Identify and analyze user requirements
  • Review, test, and debug team members’ code
  • Design database architecture
Senior Java Developer, Epam Anywhere September 2021 - December 2021
  • Developing microservices
Senior Java Developer, Praemium Armenia June 2021 - December 2021
  • Developing microservices
  • CI/CD integration, production Support
  • Experience working with AWS and microservices
Software Developer, Webb Fontaine Armenia November 2016 - June 2021
  • Development of java Interfaces and configuration management of the source codev
  • Business trips to the customer
  • Developing new applications, components, and functionality to existing code
  • Elaboration of user stories, estimation, code review
  • Mentoring junior developers and trainees
  • Experience in real project programming, Learned production process

Education history

Yerevan state university 2012 – 2020 Applied mathematics and informatics
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Best back-end engineers I've ever worked with...​

“I interviewed about a dozen different firms. DevsData LLC is truly exceptional – their backend developers are some of the best I’ve ever worked with. I’ve worked with a lot of very well-qualified developers, locally in San Francisco, and remotely, so that is not a compliment I offer lightly. I appreciate their depth of knowledge and their ability to get things done quickly. “


Nicholas Johnson




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